Hanging out with the horses…

Another snowy day in Golden Lake!  Walked Gracie this morning in the snow, again!  Wasn’t cold though.  Should be grateful for that. Marie invited me to join her and a couple of her friends this afternoon to hang out with the horses.  Her friends are considering buying one of her horses.  (lucky friend!)  I went a bit early to feed Kaz.  He came running to get his grain. Probably because Rocky was right behind him and he wanted to get their first.   Rocky and Tina came and stood by, as Kaz was eating.  This time I remembered what Marie said about distance.  I stood firm had a carrot stick with me and kept them back.   Tina was fine.  Patient.  Rocky on the other hand was so funny.  He was stamping his foot and swing his head and tail.  Kind of like a horse temper-tantrum.  Didn’t get him anywhere though.  When Kaz was done we gave Tina the leftovers.  Tina wasn’t letting him get near the grain. Now that girl has attitude, when it’s needed.  He trotted off to the herd eating hay.  There were 2 more crabby ‘girls’ there and they wouldn’t let him near so the tantrum continued.  He was really animated today.  So funny. Then we hung out with the ‘babies’ and then the front herd.  It was snowing and blowing, but it didn’t matter.  So much fun.  Marie’s friend is someone that has been around horses and had stories and understands their body signals, etc.  Was interesting listening to their conversations.  Then we were invited in for a tea.  Was so pleasant and very fun.  The pictures I’ve added are in order – “Doc” (not sure who is standing next to him.  Then Marie on a hay bale being smelt/snuggled by “Snort” and, finally, “Smokey” .  Aren’t they lovely? Docmarie being cuddled by snortsmokey

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